Our Policy on Health Insurance


Located in the heart of Frisco, our office is committed to providing exceptional care and personalized attention to every patient who walks through our doors. Despite the convenience and widespread use of health insurance, we have made the conscious decision not to accept insurance at our practice. This decision is driven by several factors, all aimed at ensuring the highest quality of care and experience for our patients.

First and foremost, our focus is on delivering comprehensive, individualized treatment plans tailored to each patient's unique needs. By not being bound by the constraints of insurance reimbursement models, we have the freedom to dedicate the time and resources necessary to thoroughly assess and address every aspect of our patients' health and well-being. This personalized approach allows us to prioritize quality over quantity, ensuring that each patient receives the attention and care they deserve without compromise.

Furthermore, by operating outside the realm of insurance, we are able to maintain greater control over the services we offer and the treatment modalities we employ. This enables us to stay at the forefront of patient care, continually integrating the latest advancements and techniques into our practice without being restricted by insurance guidelines or coverage limitations. Our commitment to staying abreast of emerging research and innovation ensures that our patients have access to the most effective and cutting-edge treatments available.

Additionally, not accepting insurance allows us to streamline administrative processes and minimize bureaucratic overhead. This results in a more efficient and hassle-free experience for our patients, with shorter wait times, simplified paperwork, and a greater focus on their health and wellness needs rather than navigating insurance complexities.

While we understand that the decision not to accept insurance may be unconventional in today's healthcare landscape, we firmly believe that it allows us to maintain the highest standards of care and service for our patients. Our priority will always be to provide exceptional patient care that prioritizes your well-being above all else, and we are committed to working closely with you to achieve your health goals every step of the way.